This morning, Apple released new OS X, Yosemite, to developers. I’m so excited that I’m now using it. :D
I’ve met some problems after the upgrade.
For me, it lasted around half an hour for the last “4 mins”. Checking the logs by ⌘-L showed it actually was doing something, which comforted me.
It asked you to reboot the computer to make it work, which couldn’t. According to PCKeyboardHack issues 31 and I’ve tried, this command actually works.
sudo kextload /Applications/
Before official support released, I’ll live with this trick.
I installed dnsmasq
by homebrew and it was daemonized by
launchd. In Yosemite, launched was updated, and a new concept added (if not
added before), which is domain. Also, new subcommands are replacing the old
Whatsoever, somehow, dnsmasq didn’t get started at load, and the usual command
to start it doesn’t work: launchctl load /path/to/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq.plist
The workround is to use subcommand kickstart
. To reload,
sudo launchctl kickstart system/homebrew.mxcl.dnsmasq
is the domain, which is needed for processes to be run as root.
update: Thanks to Chuong Dang, there is a way to run
it at boot. It’s to add RunAtLoad
to the plist.
The plist will be
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
Some weird issue after fixing the ruby version and installing command line tool, saying things are missing.
Actually the path is not complete, without pathes with brew. I don’t know how it
works before, but adding argument --env=std
fixed the problem.
Previously, I used sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
to flush dns caches, but
somehow mDNSResponder doesn’t get started, so I found the new tool
, and to flush dns caches, use
sudo discoveryutil mdnsflushcache
sudo killall coreaudiod
to restart audio deamon, but iTunes has to be
restarted to make sound.
killall Dock
would do the trick.
note: minimized windows will appear.