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Switch from 1Password to pass

Posted at — Dec 31, 2022

I had been using 1Password since version 3, from 2011, and paid for upgrades and desktop/mobile versions. And I had been pretty happy with it managing my passwords, with its easy to use UI and right amount of features and scope (it knew what it should do and what it should not).

Until later it turned to subscription mode, offering its own cloud storage. While I understand everyone is starting subscription mode to get more dollars, I don’t think passwords makes sense to be hosted without my full control, even in the world without all those password management services being hacked.

Well, you do you, and I vote with my feet.

I have turned to pass and been pretty happy with it. It’s simple but enough for me. I have full control over everything and am totally fine with its disadvantages.

It’s opensourced, and its core file has fewer than 1k lines, accompanied with platform specific functions (clipboard revocation etc.). Some supporting utils are also available, shell completion, editor support, scripts to import from other password management tools, and so on.

It took me around half an hour to set up and import (There were some issues importing 1Password, and I had to look at the code and fix them because of some weird values. And it’s also the beauty of opensource).

For reference, I’m sharing my setup.

defaults write org.gpgtools.common UseKeychain NO
$ cat ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
default-cache-ttl 600
pinentry-program /Users/tony/bin/

While there are definitely a lot of places to improve in the workflow, but I’m now pretty happy with what’s already working and I don’t mind a little trouble copy/paste usernames when it’s needed, to have my own control over everything.