I’m a software engineer living in Singapore. I'm interested in Go, Python, C, OS.
I write posts here infrequently.
Recent posts
Aug 14, 2014
Use autoload in Emacs —
Not liking leaving things imperfect, I recently switched back to Emacs for some
tasks. It's great to do typing, without...
Aug 5, 2014
On those interviews —
## Background ##
By June 2014, it had been 2 years since I resignated from my first company.
Several months later, I ...
Jul 23, 2014
Leave the craps, do cleanup —
I think it's common to see a recommend-to-read, and open it in browser, but no
time to read it, so the page is left open...
Import SMS into iPhone —
I bought my very first iPhone several weeks ago, though I had my first iOS
device about four years ago.
It's a iPhone ...
Nov 4, 2013
Subtle Subtitle for iTunes —
I watch movies from iTunes more and more. One of the problems is that
sometimes I do want to have subtitle of Simplifie...
Sep 1, 2013
I choose Vim over Emacs —
I've been using Vim as my main editor since a few years ago when I got to work
under Linux. Recently, I use [Sublime Tex...
Aug 4, 2013
Basic server tuning —
As a novice for server tuning, I learned something from a recent project.
I know premature optimization is not good, so...
Jul 24, 2013
The Evil of Mobile Games Nowadays —
I read David Smith's [Honest In-App Purchases](http://david-smith.org/blog/2013/07/23/honest-consumable-in-app-purchases...
Jul 5, 2013
Solve a AFNetworking warning —
As Google Reader shut down on July 1st, I moved to use [Stringer](https://github.com/swanson/stringer), which is in Rub...