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I’m a software engineer living in Singapore. I'm interested in Go, Python, C, OS.
I write posts here infrequently.

Recent posts

Aug 14, 2014
Use autoload in Emacs Not liking leaving things imperfect, I recently switched back to Emacs for some tasks. It's great to do typing, without...
Aug 5, 2014
On those interviews ## Background ## By June 2014, it had been 2 years since I resignated from my first company. Several months later, I ...
Jul 23, 2014
Leave the craps, do cleanup I think it's common to see a recommend-to-read, and open it in browser, but no time to read it, so the page is left open...
Jun 3, 2014
Some solutions to some problems in Yosemite beta This morning, Apple released new OS X, Yosemite, to developers. I'm so excited that I'm now using it. :D I've met some...
Dec 24, 2013
Import SMS into iPhone I bought my very first iPhone several weeks ago, though I had my first iOS device about four years ago. It's a iPhone ...
Nov 4, 2013
Subtle Subtitle for iTunes I watch movies from iTunes more and more. One of the problems is that sometimes I do want to have subtitle of Simplifie...
Sep 1, 2013
I choose Vim over Emacs I've been using Vim as my main editor since a few years ago when I got to work under Linux. Recently, I use [Sublime Tex...
Aug 4, 2013
Basic server tuning As a novice for server tuning, I learned something from a recent project. I know premature optimization is not good, so...
Jul 24, 2013
The Evil of Mobile Games Nowadays I read David Smith's [Honest In-App Purchases](
Jul 5, 2013
Solve a AFNetworking warning As Google Reader shut down on July 1st, I moved to use [Stringer](, which is in Rub...